Providing daily operational analysis report to relevant personals and project managers.
Financial analysis is the basic content of corporate solvency analysis, operational analysis and profitability analysis capabilities.
Develop property sales system for a large real estate developer in Chengdu providing operational analysis and regional management functions.
The design includes: the study of particular liking, intention, expectation and other concepts in job selecting, as well as the operational analysis of the factors affecting employment.
Track and analyze customers' needs, to monitor, census and analysis operational statistics, and periodically submit platform operational analysis report and propose business development proposals;
Analysis usually reveals information that feeds back into the Envision phase, where the business goals and priorities may be reworked based on the real-time operational environment for the enterprise.
Data quality analysis quantifies the characteristics of operational data in the context of its intended use.
Today we're gonna talk about the integration of safety analysis into operational requirements.
The primary purpose of a data warehouse is for data analysis — not to mix operational objectives with the data warehouse? S informational objectives.
The objective is to define resource classifications that have the greatest operational value to the organization without creating the hardship of unwarranted analysis.
If the manager meets the required standard for its strategy, analysis of stocks, reputation in the market and ethical behaviour, ABS then conducts operational due diligence.
The three elements of the analysis framework should also be related to the levels of the operational framework.
Provide regular reporting and analysis, and identify trends and anomalous conditions to enable optimizations and operational corrective actions to be performed.
The Operational Intelligence component consists of services that provide event-based analytic functionality, the ability to perform scenario analysis, and sense and respond capability.
For example, a business objective could be: "the data warehouse has to support the analysis of operational costs, and the analysis of profit from the sale of products."
The discipline of Operational Systems Analysis, and in particular Systems Optimization has emerged to help provide such discipline.
With the assistance of the finance department, carry out product cost analysis, capital expenditure and operational expenditure budgeting and cost control.
By using an athlete's life satisfaction as an example the operational procedure, the statistical meaning and the application prospect of the dominance analysis were discussed.
The calculation analysis on thermal misadjustment degree of the heating system shows that the operational parameters selected with the design criteria are reasonable.
Reasonable and efficient financial analysis ideas and methods is an important way for enterprises to improve the level of management and decision-making, and prevent operational risks.
Bruner's "discovery learning" exploited a new field for research-oriented instruction, and Suchman's model for the analysis of inquiry laid an operational basis for this instruction.
Analysis and operational Suggestions are made on measurement error of moving-coil instrument for thermo -coupling resulted from abnormal operating conditions.
A full-scale analysis of input impedance of the operational amplifier under the state of differential input is given here.
Troops demand analysis is very important to the operational disposition of ground air defense.
And, through Parsons 'the method of functional analysis, it studies the operational situation of space activities system, and analysis of space law and the reasons for the lack of integration.
Based on the teaching practice of reading, the paper discusses the operational approaches of the discourse analysis.
Assists in or prepares periodic reports relating to the human resources function e. g. labor turnover, payroll analysis, operational budget.
This paper presents a detailed discussion of the method for measuring low frequency noise in operational amplifier devices as well as an analysis of some key problems in the measuring process.
Hence, an improved operational modal analysis is a useful complement to the traditional modal analysis approach.
They provide both analysis and even operational forces.