For the black-tailed deer, human pressure has had just the opposite effect.
Accompanying their children in school might give more pressure to their children unconsciously, which is opposite to parents' original intention.
When two waves of opposite direction but similar frequency collide, they create a special kind of pressure wave that carries energy to the ocean bottom.
Whereas in traditional securities businesses, commissions and fees have been under pressure in a way that Smith would recognise, the opposite is true in structured derivatives trades.
Whereas women showed the opposite response: Those who were more defensive showed more signs of stress, including increased blood pressure and heart rate.
On the opposite side of the argument, some prison reformers worried that rewarding guilty pleas further might put undue pressure on innocents to throw in the towel.
They think, only relaxation, the opposite of pressure, is what we should desire.
Normally Open pilot assisted valves operate on a similar principle but with opposite effects from the pressure variations.
Those students who hold the opposite view complain that parents' too much love make them under heavy pressure.
The opposite happens when the baroreceptors and brain detect low blood pressure.
They have important effects on blood pressure, blood clotting, pain sensation, and reproduction mechanisms, but one prostaglandin may have different and even opposite effects in different tissues.
And the ball must contain an adequate vent to the pressure port opposite of the downstream sealing port.
Fluid pressure on one side of the gate presses it against the opposite seat with great force and improves the seal.
They think, only relaxation, the opposite of pressure, is what we should desire.
Now, beware, there is some pressure to reverse the trend and if that happens China will be in the opposite end weather it likes it or not.
In fact, the pressure may have the opposite effect. In most cases, the parents' urge only adds to their children's anxiety.
In addition, the Caribbean Plate will react to pressure on one side by raising an edge on the opposite side.
The output polarities of the two half-bridge are opposite as putting pressure on the sensor, and the output polarities are the same without pressure on the sensor.
Although the life quality of big city is higher, but life cost and pressure are opposite also bigger, although obtain employment opportunity is much, but suiting his just is a key.
He who is of a calm and happy nature will hardly feel the pressure of age, but to him who is of an opposite disposition youth and age are equally a burden.
Install the valve with the higher pressure against the side opposite the seat when the valve is closed. Flow may be in either direction.
Install the valve with the higher pressure against the side opposite the seat when the valve is closed.
If you also continue to love many, will possibly give the opposite party serious pressure, will let each other not gasp for breath, has lost love pleasure completely.
To adjust: When diaphragm is above the line, turn adjusting collar from left to right to increase the reduced pressure - opposite to decrease reduced pressure.
Let's back to pressure. It is pretty interesting that men and women deal with it differently! They are in reaction to tension at the opposite way.
Put welding machine on the flex start, pressure roller outside with top flex side in an opposite position.
The key to design an auxiliary impeller seal is to determine the opposite pressure coefficient k.
The key to design an auxiliary impeller seal is to determine the opposite pressure coefficient k.