For satisfying the requirements of the time and space, it is reasonable and natural to compute certain sub-optimal feasible solution, and heuristic methods are designed based on such an idea.
In the first feasible region above, the optimal solution is the right vertex of the solution space.
In the first feasible region above, the optimal solution is the right vertex of the solution space, which is a triangle made by all the constraints.
Recall that the optimal solution is always on one of the vertices of the polyhedron created by the feasible region.
The optimal solution would still be the integer point (2, 0), though more integer points are feasible now.
Direct search feasible direction (DSFD) is an effective algorithm for solving the constrained non-linear programming problem, however, it could only find the local optimal solution.
The Transportation Problem exists"more-for-less"paradox, which because the loose-constrained model has broadened the restriction, enlarged the feasible area, and bring new optimal solution.
Due to the limited number of basic feasible solution, it will be converted by the finite optimal solution can be reached.
The idea of this algorithm is to find the optimal solution in the feasible region by an iterative step from one basic standard hyperplane to another.
The optimal solution and data analysis showed the model based on entropy principle was feasible and effective.
The optimal solution and data analysis showed the model based on entropy principle was feasible and effective.