The contract performance covers a 6 month base period with four one-year option periods.
You will be seeing today new data that show why, over a 20-year period, every proposed option for controlling polio will cost more, in human suffering and dollars, than finishing eradication.
A stock option gives the holder the right to buy or sell the underlying stock at a fixed price for a specified period of time.
The contract includes a base period of five years with one five-year option.
The award was made through a modification to the Hunter CLS 2008 contract and will be performed over a period of two years with a third year option.
A call option, for example, gives the holder the right to buy an asset at a specified price within a specified period.
Putt option refers to the right given to the option holder to sell (not the liability to sell) an asset at a specified price within specific time period.
卖方期权,是指期权持有人在期权有效期内按履约价格卖出(但不负有必须卖出的责任)规定的资产的权利。 。
Enter this computer's hostname followed by a period and the domain name of the LAN for the Primary name + domain option.
在Primaryname +domain选项中,输入此台计算机的主机名以及域名,主机名和域名之间用句点隔开。
Call option refers to the right given to the option holder to buy (not the liability to buy) an asset at a specified price within specific time period.
Sometimes you may want your script to run for a certain time period; Lotus Server.Load allows you to do this with the test time parameter option.
有时候,希望在某一时间段内运行脚本;在Lotus Server .Load中,可以通过测试时间参数选项来设置运行时间。
The default= option signals to GRUB which image to boot from by default after the timeout period.
The default= option tells LILO which image to boot from by default, such as after the timeout period.
If you receive multiple offers within the same deadline period for acceptance, your task will simply be to decide which option is preferable.
As one of the basic elements of stock option incentive mechanism, the vesting period is the key role affecting stock option incentive mechanism.
This kind of swap gives the party who pays at fixed rate the right to cease swap before a agreed period. It also means that the party paying at fixed rate buy the option of swap.
It remains a fast, convenient option for parents and grandparents wanting to spend an extended period of time in Canada with their families.
Within a short period of time, the majority of members were selecting this option.
As soon as you have the dates of stay, all inquiries are provisionally blocked with option dates (21 days period) that will be automatically released.
ABC software is licensed annually for a period of 365 days and is renewable at the option of the client annually.
The FDM must either cancel or adjust all customer orders executed during the same time period and in the same currency pair or option regardless of whether they were buy or sell orders.
During the warranty period, product determined by us to be defective in form or function will be repaired or, at our option, replaced at no charge.
The coal resources mining right has the same characteristics as option, which is a multi-period call option exercised annually.
Seller will give ITW a last time buy option at the end of such seven year period, and shall offer any follow on products that are compatible with the products.
Seller will give ITW a last time buy option at the end of such seven year period, and shall offer any follow on products that are compatible with the products.