Some of classical analytical methods about Security market, including stock market have Mean-Variance analytics, APT theory, CAPM model, B-S options pricing model, etc.
This paper analyzes the binomial model of stock price movement, and on the basis of martingale theory discusses the pricing of path dependent options.
This paper summarizes the study on options pricing in view of quantum finance, such as the path integrals approach, the gauge theory of arbitrage, and the quantum model of binomial option pricing.
The problem of pricing exchange options in a jump-diffusion model is considered.
First, the method of real options is used to study venture capital asset pricing model of a single period, and extended to the general model of venture capital decision-making of the N periods.
This paper provides a method for pricing options in the constant elasticity of variance(CEV) model environment using the Lie-algebraic technique when the model parameters are time-dependent.
We consider the pricing model for European foreign currency options where the domestic and foreign bond rates are assumed to be stochastic.
On the hypothesis of the underlying asset price following Lognormal Process in the two model, we can extend the way of asset price Logprofit Process 'approach to multi-asset options pricing.
Secondly we prove in detail the pricing model of Asian geometric average options with floating strike price.
Secondly we prove in detail the pricing model of Asian geometric average options with floating strike price.