The technique, called optogenetics, took the field by storm.
Will optogenetics ever be used to treat diseases in humans?
Optogenetics: Circuits, Genes, and Photons in Biological Systems.
Optogenetics is an experimental method being used with great success in mice.
Optogenetics was selected by the journal of Nature Methods as method of the year 2010.
光遗传学被《自然- 方法学》期刊评为2010 年年度方法。
Many of the decade's most useful new tools, like optogenetics, were advances in sensing and imaging.
Today, thousands of scientists in hundreds of LABS are using optogenetics to probe how brains work.
The term "Optogenetics" has been widely used in the literature, although it is simply a technical method.
摘 要:虽然“光遗传学”只是一种技术方法,但它在文献中正愈来愈多地被提到。
Ultimately, the specificity of optogenetics might allow researchers to make far more subtle changes to brain networks.
Optogenetics combines recombinant DNA technology and optic technology, and is very powerful for cell biology research.
That means it may be possible to rescue them-perhaps by adapting optogenetics for use in human sufferers. That remains a distant possibility for now.
However, clinical trials may begin in the next decade, says Boyden, who is involved in a company, Eos, that aims to use optogenetics to treat blindness.
Christopher Fang-Yen, assistant professor of bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania, says optogenetics is a "kind of remote-control device for neurons."
宾夕法尼亚大学生物工程教授助理克里斯多夫 方 炎,说“光电子遗传基因是一种对神经系统的遥控装置。”
Since joining Third Rock Ventures in 2008, he has led the venture capital firm's efforts to evaluate neurotechnologies such as optogenetics, a method of controlling the brain with light.
Since joining Third Rock Ventures in 2008, he has led the venture capital firm's efforts to evaluate neurotechnologies such as optogenetics, a method of controlling the brain with light.