This provides them with a more usable framework, while allowing them to leverage this to market themselves as thought or practice leaders, which in turn is likely to drive more business.
Eclipse ProcessFramework为他们提供了更加有用的框架,允许他们利用Eclipse Process Framework使自己成为思想或实践的领导者,这将可能推动更多的业务。
Ly, it's obvious that niche products can surpass the market leaders in at least one or two of these dimensions.
Among recent trends, the issues that have done well recently have been consumer-driven — taking advantage of Asia's increasingly affluent population — or have been market leaders.
The market leaders for worldwide distribution automation are subsidiaries and/or divisions of large international control companies with an expansive global presence.
Searchers, rightly or wrongly, expect industry and market leaders to be the ones that show up at the top of search engine results.
Searchers, rightly or wrongly, expect industry and market leaders to be the ones that show up at the top of search engine results.