People who rescue unwanted or mistreated tigers estimate that the number of breeders might be in the hundreds.
And the White House says no detainees will be transferred to another country where they will be tortured or mistreated.
Yet if you were abused or mistreated or your boundaries violated, if you were not allowed to fully be and express your unique self , then your spirit was broken .
If one does not enjoy equality and is mistreated in society, how can he or she treat others as equals?
It may be a story of how their parents or other family member mistreated them, or how a partner or friend betrayed them, or how they fell victim to a crime.
Parents also fear their daughters won't be safe or will be mistreated at school.
Its suppliers were unable or unwilling to step up the pace because Boeing had mistreated them so often.
Or they may help people realize they have been mistreated.
And even if one could enforce a ban on cloning, or at least insure that clones would not be a mistreated caste, the social costs of prohibition could still be high.
I constantly hear people who will not let go of their pride and apologize because of this fear of being mistreated, taken advantage of or walked all over in the future.
I never lost my interest in Native Americans or my feeling that they had been terribly mistreated.
I never lost my interest in Native Americans or my feeling that they had been terribly mistreated.