It could involve one or more persons.
Any exchange between two or more persons may emphasize differences.
A partnership is an association of two or more persons for profit.
The situation where two or more persons are equally owners of a property.
Article 25 a joint crime refers to an intentional crime committed by two or more persons jointly.
The endorsement which transfers part or all the amount on the draft to two or more persons is invalid.
A partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on as co owners a business for profit.
If two or more persons jointly infringe upon another person's rights and cause him damage, the shall bear joint liability.
If two or more persons jointly infringe upon another person's rights and cause him damage, they shall bear joint liability.
Often a person creates an H2H task for one or more persons to perform, commonly in an ad-hoc style without prior installation or deployment.
通常人们创建H 2 H任务是为了让一个或多个人执行,一般是临时性的,没有预先安装或部署。
A contract is an agreement between two or more persons intended to create a legal obligation between them and to be legally enforceable.
The study of two or more persons who are associated to each other by common relations, which form a group, is known as the group dynamics.
A dialog is defined as a conversation between two or more persons. In a computer application a dialog is a window which is used to "talk" to the application.
One or more persons may act as the incorporator or incorporators of a corporation by delivering articles of incorporation to the secretary of state for filing.
if a party of two or more persons have no common rights and obligations with respect to the object of action, the act of any one of them shall not be valid for the rest.
The consent of two or more persons concurring respecting the transmission of some property, right or benefits, with the view of contacting an obligation, a mutual obligation.
Partnerships are a popular form of organization because they provide a convenient, inexpensive means of combining the capital and the special abilities of two or more persons.
Where two or more persons offer to pay a bill for the honour of different parties, the person whose payment will discharge most parties to the bill shall have the preference .
Where two or more persons apply for an identical project as mentioned above which is subject to administrative licensing, the licensee shall be determined through public bidding.
Where two or more persons commit torts respectively, causing the same harm, and each tort is sufficient to cause the entire harm, the tortfeasors shall be liable jointly and severally.
There are no representative studies or surveys to provide us with more facts about this phenomenon, because the affected persons are too ashamed of telling others that they are 35 and still a virgin.
Legal entity holding Cambodian citizenship is the legal entity in which more than 51% of the shares are owned by natural persons or legal entities holding Cambodian citizenship.
Persons sentenced to terms of imprisonment of three years or more may appeal beyond that level.
Where a ship is jointly owned by two or more legal persons or individuals, the joint ownership thereof shall be registered at the Ship Registration Administration.
In whatever company, they may find persons and conversations more or less pleasing.
In whatever company, they may find persons and conversations more or less pleasing. At whatever table, they may find meat and drink of better or worse taste, dishes better or worse prepared.
The offer shall be made to one or more specific persons.
The offer shall be made to one or more specific persons.