I'm not worthy or not good enough because I don't have x amount of money or x title.
We seem to be driven to find what we perceive as "the missing piece" in our lives as if we are flawed, or not good enough.
This is a good idea whether you opt for disaster insurance or not, since most people don't have enough regular homeowners insurance.
Not because they don't have a good product or a massive marketing pot, but because it's not enough for a new product to be 10% better than what exists.
When the item is actually used, that is when we'll learn if it was good enough or not.
So why did he stop when he did? There was probably a very good reason; not enough time or money or interest.
It's either pay Apple more for the connectors — gasp, even for a digital camera — or make do with wireless options, which should be good enough for printing but not connecting to projectors or TVs.
We hope that this composite treatment is effective, and also shows our view that we do not emphasize that a certain drug alone is particularly effective or its individual effect is good enough.
When medication is used, good sleep hygieneand some behavioral treatments are still important, as utilizing eitherbehavioral or medication treatments alone are not enough.
You are sure enough of yourself to not need or rely on praise from everyone anymore to feel good about yourself.
I suppose I'm old enough that to me 'professional manner' still equals a sense of some sort of formality-i'm not saying this is good or bad, it just is.
Addressing only one or two of these components through targeted capability improvement programs is not good enough.
Learn to ignore the nagging voice in your head that says you're not good enough, smart enough, or good-looking enough to succeed.
They fail to appeal to women and families and are usually staffed by workers who have received little or no training and are not paid enough to care whether you have a good time or not.
Compared with the entire Web, the number of pages within a site is relatively small, so a simple search engine query might not yield enough or any results, even if there are good pages on the subject.
After a while, you can't use the beginner excuse anymore, and so you conclude that you're not good enough, or it wasn't for you, so you give up.
Most people will never become really good designers, developers or testers because the are not talented enough.
Some people always complain that they are not lucky enough to meet good things or good people.
But we also have the will power to overcome them by making it a point to stop comparing ourselves to other people, thinking we're not good enough, or talking badly about other people.
Maybe you could be a good writer - maybe even good enough to write a book or articles in a newspaper - but you might not know it until you write a paper for your English class.
The real issue is that the spine of the team is not good enough, as it stands, to take on Spain, Italy, France or Germany at Euro 2012.
Michael Carrick, Darren Fletcher, or even Anderson are all average players who have reached their potential and are not good enough to play for one of the world's top teams.
I let myself be tricked into think I'm not good enough, or doing enough, or being enough. That's when my ego becomes unhelpful.
Don't worry about whether or not they're good enough. Just focus on getting better over time as you become new and improved.
This month will be a good time to take control of your crazy thoughts and face your fear of not doing or being enough.
They are scared that they are not good enough or that they will end up alone, which is why they will try and have a back-up plan.
They are scared that they are not good enough or that they will end up alone, which is why they will try and have a back-up plan.