Do you know how the hours in your day are spent or do you fool yourself into thinking that you only spent one hour yesterday between Facebook and Twitter?
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs, asked about this at a press conference yesterday, would neither confirm or deny it, saying only that a free press and a means of communication were important.
Or is there no tomorrow and no yesterday, but only the now?
Or it says: "There is only the present", forgetting that the present itself is the outcome of yesterday.
Yesterday, we only received only a memory, whether it is suffering sorrow, joy or heart music.
Or is there only the now, which is not related to yesterday?
But yesterday has come and gone, tomorrow or in the future, only today is today, is the real!
Any man can fight the battles of just one day; it is only when you or add the burdens of those two awful eternities yesterday and tomorrow that we break down.
Ordinarily a soldier needs six months' or a year's training before he can fight, but our soldiers, recruited only yesterday, have to fight today with practically no training.
I only arrived yesterday, but I hope to be able to return as soon as possible because I do not have a fracture or serious problem.
I only arrived yesterday, but I hope to be able to return as soon as possible because I do not have a fracture or serious problem.