Again, you'll use the concept of passing an ajax flag to the server-side script to let it know whether it is being called by a regular GET request or by an ajax call.
You can use this script from your crontab list for regular processing or run as required from the command line.
Blair's production has been subject to regular, small-scale variations, with different sorts of crimes or punishments constantly adding freshness to what is, after all, a fairly limited script.
Now I, or someone else might forget the leading or trailing slash and some Windows user might use back slashes instead of regular slashes, so I decided to just handle that in the script.
The service discovery runs on top of the Registry scheduler framework and can be configured to run automatically at regular time intervals or run manually by using a script.
His "running script" or "regular script" works were often seen to copy "Lan Ting Xu" (Preface of the Orchid Pavilion) by Wang Xizhi.
The history of Sui dynasty was comparatively short, but it had its own distinctive feature of calligraphy, which embodied in the form of regular script or an inscription on a tablet.
The history of Sui dynasty was comparatively short, but it had its own distinctive feature of calligraphy, which embodied in the form of regular script or an inscription on a tablet.