In a picture: a picture is worth a thousand words, or so they say at least.
It's a case of a smart kid (or so they say) with an over active imagination.
Or so they say. If you catch yourself griping about your job, stop and ask yourself if you really hate the job or if you're annoyed with it and can do something to change it.
如果你只是单纯的对你的工作发牢骚的话,停下来,问问你自己真的恨这份工作,或者,是是否对它感到厌烦了,想想什么办. .。
The design would greatly reduce circulation between the Arctic and North Pacific Oceans, thus cooling the former and mitigating the effects of global warming. Or so they say.
So you make your own luck, as they say, and then you have to have enough control of your camera not to miss that split-second chance by blowing out the sky or blurring the birds.
But they say they can go only so far, so fast without compromising tastes consumers have come to relish or salt's ability to preserve food.
People reading this may not agree with everything I say, so they tell me I’m doing something wrong or that I don’t know what I’m talking about.
If so, you must work to change your beliefs; that is to say, the meaning you give to things related to pleasure or pain they bring you.
So specifically, what we do associate them instead is within molecular orbitals, and what we say is that they can be either in bonding or anti-bonding orbitals.
Central bankers have to choose their words carefully. So they often say little in public — or little that makes sense.
So, unlike, say, the fields of law or medicine, over here in software development, by the time these kids are in their second or third year in college they are pretty darn good programmers.
If they believe inflation will stay at, say, 2% or so, they will act accordingly and thus help to hold it near the mark.
So a sea slug could shape its body into the one, two, three or more humps that different people say they have seen.
But many services and intangible assets, say a unique patent or a global brand, do not have a market price, so it is hard to estimate what they are worth.
So, let's say they were expecting to see one certain frequency or one line in the spectrum at this point here.
They get up there and they yell and scream and they're going to blow up the world, so we say, "Oh, don't do it. We'll give you more money", or we threaten them, even, you know, militarily.
So when they're talking about a particular instant in, say, a football game, they can view it from the sideline, or the referee's perspective, or the goalie's – even if there wasn't a camera there.
The researchers admit that they don't know why or how this selection of Twitter.com user feeds was able to make predictions so accurate, and they say more research is needed.
They know that you like them or whatnot, and having friends who are girls, I've heard their conversations, I've heard them turn around and say, "Oh, ya know, he loves you so much."
Or you might say, "Thank God they left so they made room for somebody who is right for me."
They say, 'It's not so bad' or 'You're seeing things' or' You're an alarmist. '.
Some other oil companies say that they would not have sanctioned all, or even any, of BP's decisions about cementing, pipes and so on.
In response to poll questions, most Americans say they expect the recession to last for two years or so.
But their daughters sit and chat uncovered because, they say, they have seen unveiled women at work or on television so much that at last it seems normal to them.
He mentions that everything we share is in the "public domain," so people might as well get used to it or limit what they say.
He mentions that everything we share is in the "public domain," so people might as well get used to it or limit what they say.