It is imperative to dry the material immediately prior to extrusion. This includes all raw materials containing TPU. Best results are obtained with 0.02% or less moisture content.
Medial Post: Denser CM-EVA foam, polyurethane foam, TPU device, or some combination of these, used on the inside edge of the shoe to curb pronation.
中间岗位:更加密集的CM - EVA泡沫、聚氨酯泡沫、TPU设备,或某一这些的组合,使用在鞋子的里面边缘遏制内旋。
Medial Post: Denser CM-EVA foam, polyurethane foam, TPU device, or some combination of these, used on the inside edge of the shoe to curb pronation.
中间岗位:更加密集的CM - EVA泡沫、聚氨酯泡沫、TPU设备,或某一这些的组合,使用在鞋子的里面边缘遏制内旋。