Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.
Or even worse, just calling myself a minimalist and posting voyeuristic pictures of what I pack, what I wear and how I live makes some people mad/annoyed/disgusted (?), but you know what?
或者更糟的是,我应该为称自己为极简主义者而感到难过,并且为我收集的那些窥探隐私的图片而感到难过。 我的穿着以及生活方式都让很多人抓狂,懊恼或者感到厌恶,但你知道吗?
People are gonna hate it or they're gonna like it, and so I always wear what feels right and something that I've never worn before.
Everybody has his or her own unique opinion about what to wear and I think that's very good for tennis.
I don't know what to wear today. Is it going to be cold or warm?
Minimal use is also key: "What I do, and recommend to my patients, is to wear [heels] when I get to my office, or event, " says Sutera.
I recall from childhood my family being invited to a "come as you are" party. Guests were to simply come, without worry about what they might wear or bring.
I recall from childhood my family being invited to a "come as you are" party. Guests were to simply come, without worry about what they might wear or bring.