If you hit a rough patch, it's okay to get frustrated, to cry, or to even take a day to just get away and not think about work.
Whether you initiate a creative project, apply for a promotion, hit your boss for a raise or look for a better job elsewhere, make sure you take some sort of positive action ASAP.
When you hit the wall, then you're going to take your hand and you're going to follow it around until you get to maybe a door, or you get to a window.
Presuming you take elemental precision and there are shadow priests in the raid, you'll need 11% hit to cap (289 rating), or 10% (263 rating) if you are a draenei or are partied with one.
Do not swing, or take a backswing to hit your volleys. A good volley is punched or blocked. Use the pace of the ball your opponent hits to you.
Do not swing, or take a backswing to hit your volleys. A good volley is punched or blocked. Use the pace of the ball your opponent hits to you.