First, download and install the Oracle JDBC driver.
首先,下载和安装Oracle JDBC驱动程序。
For each connection request, the Oracle JDBC driver randomly picks up a rac node for obtaining connections.
对于每个连接请求,Oracle JDBC驱动程序将随机选择一个rac节点来获取连接。
The Oracle JDBC driver can be configured for failover or load balancing (or both) in an Oracle rac environment.
在Oraclerac环境中,可以将Oracle JDBC驱动程序配置为用于故障转移或负载平衡(或者同时用于两者)。
On a request to obtain connections, the Oracle JDBC driver will provide physical connections from the running rac nodes.
在请求获取连接时,Oracle JDBC驱动程序将从运行的rac节点提供物理连接。
The Oracle JDBC driver always tries to obtain physical connections from the RAC node that occupies the first position in the list.
Oracle JDBC驱动程序始终尝试从占据列表中第一位置的RAC节点获取物理连接。
The Oracle JDBC driver can be configured to provide both of these Qualities of Service in IBM WebSphere Application Server environments.
可以将Oracle JDBC驱动程序配置为在IBMWebSphereApplication Server环境中提供这两种服务质量。
Since the Oracle JDBC driver is not providing any load balancing, all of these inbound requests will open and use connections from the same rac node.
由于Oracle JDBC驱动程序不提供任何负载平衡,所有这些入站请求都将打开并使用来自同一rac节点的连接。
Since failover is enabled, the Oracle JDBC driver will provide the connection from rac-node2 after recovery is done on the rac side (that is, Oracle rac is open for business).
由于支持故障转移,所以在rac端完成恢复后(即已为业务打开Oracle rac),Oracle JDBC驱动程序将从rac -node2提供连接。
The Oracle JDBC driver might throw the ORA-24756: transaction does not exit exception; rac-node2, the surviving rac node, might not even be aware of the transaction branch TxB1.
Oracle JDBC驱动程序可能会抛出OR a- 24756:事务不存在这一异常;仍然运行的rac节点rac -node2甚至还不知道事务分支TxB1。
Modeling your Oracle database and, in fact, any database is accomplished by RDA making an underlying connection to the database using the JDBC driver.
在对Oracle数据库(实际上是任何数据库)进行建模时,RDA使用 JDBC 驱动程序建立底层数据库连接。
However, to the WebSphere Application Server runtime, an Oracle rac is essentially just another database to be accessed using an appropriate JDBC driver.
You must first specify the Oracle database name, JDBC driver location, driver type, database server host name, and Oracle port number attributes in the OracleResponseFile.txt file.
首先,必须在OracleResponseFile . txt文件中指定Oracle数据库名称、JDBC驱动程序位置、驱动程序类型、数据库服务器主机名和oracle端口号属性。
For Oracle, DB2 or MySQL database, you need to use the generic resource adapter that allows you to specify the driver and ConnectionURL for the JDBC driver (Listing 5).
对于Oracle、DB 2或MySQL数据库,您需要使用一般资源适配器,它允许您为JDBC驱动程序指定Driver和ConnectionURL(清单5)。
So the first thing you need to do to connect to an Oracle database is download the JDBC driver for Oracle.
因此,在连接Oracle数据库时,首先需要下载 用于 Oracle 数据库的JDBC驱动程序。
So the first thing you need to do to connect to an Oracle database is download the JDBC driver for Oracle.
因此,在连接Oracle数据库时,首先需要下载 用于 Oracle 数据库的JDBC驱动程序。