Although Oracle is more of a marketing machine and Sun an engineering powerhouse, both firms are rooted in Silicon Valley.
He talks about a "false cloud" while the display shows an Exadata machine with the Oracle logo barely disguised by a cloud. Benioff said.
You can download it to anywhere on your machine, and then when you are connecting to the Oracle database for the first time, you can specify the driver location.
Install Oracle Application Server Version 10.1.3.x, then complete the instructions in the following sections to configure machine 4.
安装OracleApplicationServerVersion10.1.3 . x,然后完成下面的步骤,以配置计算机4。
Dbagroup (only if the Oracle is installed on the same machine as Image Services).
And if so, when, at what price and how would [Oracle] avoid cannibalizing [its] low-end, half-rack Oracle database machine running on Sun?
The environment is identical; the database server machine has both IBM DB2 and Oracle installed.
You can have on the same machine several different databases running, that may be running under different versions of Oracle.
You can have on the same machine several different databases running, that may be running under different versions of Oracle.