Should I stop taking my oral medication?
It's not an oral medication of any kind.
An oral medication, metformin is the most commonly prescribed drug for type 2 diabetes.
Objective: to discussion the curative effect of oral medication combined externally applies to therapy ROU.
TREATMENT and COURSE: Oral medication with decreasing doses of steroids resulted in clinical and radiological improvement.
Bain oral medication for children is one of the world's first non-prescription analgesic antipyretic child-specific medicines.
Conclusion: to treat ROU by Oral medication combined externally applies can gain obvious curative effect, which is worth to be utilized in clinic work.
The more expensive the placebo, the higher the success rate, the study found, and intravenous injections are shown to be more effective than oral medication.
On treatment, the oral medication mainly include anti-tumor drug, CyA, VA, anti-bacterium drug, biological products and blood vessel formation antigeon and so on.
In one of the studies, patients will receive oral medication, and in the other they will start with intravenous medication, switching to oral dosing when possible.
Results The analysis to the data demonstrated high frequency in intravenous transfusion, measurement of life signs, morning and evening nursing, muscular injection and oral medication.
The type II collagen is nontoxic and has the reactivity of II collagen such as oral medication, inducement, immunological tolerance, prevention and treatment of chronic infectious arthritis.
Results: That oral medications in hospitalized elderly patients were complicated. Problems in the medicine use, quantity, methods of medication, medicine dependence, and side effects considered.
The type of thyroid replacement medication that should be used during pregnancy is clearly stated: oral levothyroxine only.
If you take oral diabetes medication, you may need to switch to insulin or make other changes to your diabetes treatment plan before you conceive.
A total of 24 volunteers who took part in the study were given strict instructions on oral hygiene, diet and medication intake.
A total of 24 volunteers who took part in the the study were given strict instructions on oral hygiene, diet and medication intake.
A total of 24 volunteers who took part in the PRINTED BAG (penguin) were given strict instructions on oral hygiene, diet and medication intake.
Conclusion: the incidence and grade of ulcer of oral mucosa induced by large dosage of MTX can be reduced greatly by the combination of medication and nursing intervention.
Therefore, one should follow the guidance of doctors and pharmacists when needing to take the over-the-counter (OTC) oral pain medication sold in the market.
Acu-puncture in combination of oral taking of Thiamazole and Euthyrox were adopted for the acupuncture and medication group.
Acu-puncture in combination of oral taking of Thiamazole and Euthyrox were adopted for the acupuncture and medication group.