TAM's shoreline is coated with a film colored in different shades of red, orange, and yellow, depending on how thick it is.
If you're used to munching on red tomatoes, try orange, or yellow, or serve purple cauliflower along with your usual white.
The colours are magnificent, but the question of exactly why some trees turn yellow or orange, and others red or purple, is something which has long puzzled scientists.
What is still not fully understood, however, is why some trees resort to producing red pigments while others don't bother, and simply reveal their orange or yellow hues.
They are red, yellow, green, orange, blue and purple.
Most fast-food restaurants are often decorated in bright colors such as red, yellow, orange, and white for the purpose of increasing people's appetites (胃口).
Orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow.
On the other hand, I found perfectly good red, orange, and yellow sweet peppers at 50 cents each, which knocked my socks off.
Colors that have red such as orange, redish-brown and yellow are assumed to be warm colors because we associate these with sunlight.
If you're used to munching on red tomatoes, try orange or yellow, or serve purple cauliflower along with your usual white.
Their colour gradually shifts from red to orange to yellow.
The highest levels of carbon monoxide are shown in red, while lower levels are yellow and orange.
"Richard of York Gave Battle in Vain," for example, is a mnemonic for recalling the colors of the visible spectrum in the right order (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet).
There is nothing prettier than the way the orange, red and yellow trees light up your surroundings before the leaves drop.
For example, I color items in the first category red, items in the second category orange, and those in the third category yellow.
The yellow, red, orange, and brown birds of the world assume their hues because of a pigment embedded in the keratin matrix of feathers.
As opposed to emotionally warm colors like red, orange, and yellow; blue is linked to consciousness and intellect.
Generally speaking, colours such as red, orange, yellow and green actually trigger hunger, as well as provide a warm, homely feeling.
These are colors like blue and orange, purple and yellow, and red and green.
The fruit is a berry and comes in red, orange or yellow. It has a similar appearance to tomatoes, and is said to taste like a mixture between tomatoes and lemons.
The basic color scheme is green, yellow, red, brown with heavy pink, orange and blue accents.
Red, yellow and orange are considered warm colors whereas blue, green and violet are considered cool colors.
The setting sun colored the entire beach in a million of shades of yellow, orange and red.
落日的余晖照在沙滩上,各种各样的色彩,黄的、橙的 、红的将沙滩点缀成一幅美丽的油画。
The woods were a triumphal parade of brown, yellow, orange, tawny red, and chestnut, and the flaming glowing scarlet of the maples.
Conversely, avoid red, yellow, and orange in your dining areas. Studies find they encourage eating.
TAM's shoreline is coated with a film colored in different shades of red, orange, and yellow depending on how thick it is.
The animation uses a "hot metal" colour scale that begins at dark red and progresses through orange and yellow to white at the highest levels of activity.
This image of NGC 6240 contains new X-ray data from Chandra (shown in red, orange, and yellow) that has been combined with an optical image from the Hubble Space Telescope originally released in 2008.
这张NGC 6240(星系)的图片是来自钱德拉(X射线天文台)新X射线数据(如图中红、橙、黄部分所示)和哈勃望远镜于2008年首度公开的一张光学图像两者合成的。
The cracked pot looked at the different colours - red, yellow, orange, purple.
Orange is a combination of its two neighbors on the color wheel, red and yellow.