Next, ensure that the index has these columns in the proper sequence (according to the ORDER BY clause), so that a sort can be avoided.
接下来,确保索引中这些列有适当的顺序(按照ORDER by子句),这样可以避免排序。
Therefore, you may often choose to implement indexes that include only the columns referred to in the WHERE and ORDER BY clauses.
因此,您常常可以选择实现只包括在WHERE和ORDER BY子句中引用到的列的索引。
Like in a regular ORDER BY clause multiple columns can be specified in either ascending or descending sequence.
类似于在常规的ORDER by子句中,可以按升序或降序指定多个列。
The views shuffle around the column order of the tables so that the columns correspond to the order expected by the generated EJB persistence code.
视图改变表中的列顺序,以便这些列与生成的EJB 持久性代码所期望的顺序相对应。
The row order in the query elements table in which columns are defined determines their left to right sequence within the order BY clause, which in turn determines their sorting priority.
定义了列的查询元素表中的行顺序决定了它们在ORDER BY子句中从左到右的顺序,这又确定了它们的排序优先级。
It can improve performance if columns involved in ORDER BY and GROUP BY are indexed.
如果为ORDER BY和GROUPBY所涉及的列建立了索引,那么可以提高性能。
By convention, yui-main displays on the left, unless you add a class style to the outermost div to change the order of the two columns.
You can resize its columns, and if you enter more backorder items in the database with a status of "Order Stock," you can also alter sorting of data in the grid by clicking a column.
您可以调整它 纵列的大小,如果您在数据库输入更多 “OrderStock”状态的后台命令,您还可以通过点击一个纵列来更改这个表格中数据的分类。
How to ORDER BY smallest value in 3 different columns?
A column has been specified more than once in the order by list. Columns in the order by list must be unique.
Because you do not display data in a Delete query, the Output, Sort By, and Sort Order columns are removed.
Columns within tables can be sorted in both ascending and descending order simply by clicking on the column heading.
ORDER by two columns, but not sorting by time?
These paintable precast columns are available by special order at home centers.
These paintable precast columns are available by special order at home centers.