Write these Ordinal Numbers in words.
The use of Roman Numbers as Ordinal Numbers in Chinese electronic media is currently nonstandard.
In this lesson, learners will read, write, and understand Ordinal Numbers and also understand questions and statements about the day and month of one's birthday.
Represented as an ordinal number followed by either a single .0 or a set of ordinal numbers separated by dots, the node data type corresponds to a position in a tree structure.
节点数据类型用一个序数加一个 .0或一组以点号隔开的序数来表示,它对应于一个树结构中的一个位置。
For the finite set, the ordinal and cardinal Numbers are equivalent, but they differ in the infinite case.
For the finite set, the ordinal and cardinal Numbers are equivalent, but they differ in the infinite case.