What is clear is that both organic and conventional foods are susceptible to contamination by pathogenic microorganisms at every point in the food chain.
Remember, the organic label applies to how the food was grown. Organic certification doesn't mean your food is any safer from, say, salmonella contamination when it's packaged.
Like NOP, JAS explicitly requests that organic fields must be separated from conventional fields, to prevent cross contamination from fertilizers and pesticides (buffer zones).
This paper introduces the research progress in their palaeoclimatic effects, detection of organic matter in estuary systems, degradation and contamination tracing.
Mechanisms of phytoremediation are proposed to be uptake of organic chemicals by plant and effect of plant root secretion and microorganisms on the degradation of organic contamination.
Similar Roundup Ready crops have led to increased use of herbicides, proliferation of herbicide resistant weeds, and contamination of conventional and organic crops.
The cleaning methods of jam caused by fouling of polysulfone UF membrane, the behavior of organic fouling and the elimination of contamination are studied using several chemicals.
To control the microbe contamination, chemical cleaning using sodium hypochlorous had satisfactory result for eliminating organic and bacteria contamination.
Ideally this should be spread on land as an organic fertiliser and soil conditioner, however great care will be required to ensure that this does not become a further source of soil contamination.
The paper mainly introduces current status of organic contamination in groundwater, and combines the tenet, mainstream and proposition of environmental ethics to discuss the origin of the problem.
The paper mainly introduces current status of organic contamination in groundwater, and combines the tenet, mainstream and proposition of environmental ethics to discuss the origin of the problem.