The charcoal works have a different weight, partly due to the black colour, but also because they have a slightly watery sheen from the protective coat of resin, and due to their simple organic forms.
She made a presentation about the trend and colour forecasting "Future Vision" and is divided into 3 trend stories: Personal sanctuary, Spectral, and Smart organic.
The free organic acids of different fluorescent colour cocoons are found to be the same.
And when they saw the fruit, they judged the strawberries from the organic farms to have a better colour.
A new technology of high concentration organic chemical sewage treatment for COD and colour index is presented.
We mainly produce organic pigments for applications in paint, ink, plastic, pigment resin colour etc. while we supply inorganic pigments too.
We mainly produce organic pigments for applications in paint, ink, plastic, pigment resin colour etc. while we supply inorganic pigments too.