Composting is a general treatment method for organic solid waste.
Zeolite is a natural and cheap mineral, and its application in purification of organic waste water is a popular research subject of waste water treatment because of its better adsorption.
Treatment of low flow high concentrated organic waste gas by biotrickling filter has been studied.
The research on organic flocculants and their application in the field of waste water treatment at home and abroad were reviewed.
The status of research on waste water treatment with chitosan and the adsorption capacity of heavy metals, organic acid, dye, protein etc. from waste water were summarized in this paper.
The plan and design for treatment of waste organic solvent gas from a fiberglass workshop are introduced. The design has characteristics of simple, cheap and thorough purification.
Through the bottom three-phase separator, the wastewater continues to rise into the upper essence treatment part to reduce the organic matter in waste water for further.
Thermal reduction is a new alternative recently developed to handle organic sludge derived from waste water treatment processes.
Presents the organic waste gas purification treatment for a fiberglass fabric workshop.
The facts prove that ABR-SBR process is a kind of development potential technology. It is suitable for adopting in the treatment of the moderate and high concentration organic waste wa…
Supercritical water thermal decomposition technology is a new type of energy-efficient treatment of organic wastes. It's a new type of waste disposal and recycling of energy.
Experiment is made to recycle urban waste water through the treatment of GAC, which can considerably absorb organic matter and colority in the waste water, as well as turbid.
The method can reduce the treatment cost, effectively utilizes the resources of the water liquor, and prepare the organic fertilizer by utilizing the amino-nitrile waste liquor.
As a new technology in waste water treatment, ultrasonic decompose has great potential. It will be applied to degradation of organic pollutants widely in the future.
It was proved that biotrickling filtration is an economical and effective method of organic waste air treatment.
Abstract: Experiment is made to recycle urban waste water through the treatment of GAC, which can considerably absorb organic matter and colority in the waste water, as well as turbid.
The engineering bacteria of the invention can be applied to the treatment for the glyphosate waste water and purification treatment for an organic pollutant in municipal waster water.
Sewage Sludge and organic waste water treatment.
Sewage Sludge and organic waste water treatment.