Silvio Berlusconi praised Juve's well-organized play after the 0-0 stalemate at San Siro, and also talked about kaka and Ronaldo.
They long to kick and throw things and tackle each other, and the fields of organized play offer a place in which to act out these impulses.
, who organized paper airplane contests in the office and happily got downon his hands and knees to play Legos with his pediatric patients.
Over a few weeks in the summer we organized a series of play sessions with some of these absentee gamers, a group ranging in age from 25 to 35.
The subjects discussed in those videos and the others include business travel, family travel and topics that are organized by subjects: “space, ” “time, ” “play” and “treat.”
But to avoid comparison with her brother, she decided not to play organized sports.
I think it's a very structured and organized way you play.
Children can play in organized soccer leagues starting when they are six years old.
If you play in an organized team, then your coach will have some level of first aid training - but here is some information that anyone playing sport needs to know.
If they should play the match against us, we should get the team well organized and try our best to beat them.
His play, Romeo and Juliet, Act 1, Scene 5, includes a dialogue, formally organized as a sonnet, that USES Marian pilgrimage to figure Romeo's wooing of Juliet.
A barber who was also a music lover organized a band to play background music at a small bar.
In our English salon, foreigners and Chinese will be organized together to talk about a topic or play a game on every Sunday in AnTing.
From youth to professional, players get organized into teams and teams into leagues to play ball.
Music is neatly organized according to genre, artists, etc. Easily navigate through the collection. Search for a specific artists or tracks and play the results.
The specific tasks of news editor are how to bring the energy of material into play fully. The good content is organized as a good picture in good form to the audience.
Juve play with a specific identity, very aggressive, organized and solid, and they have the experience of their great champions.
Shadow play of Hua county is a very mature media form, for its complete profession, well-organized and rich content. In addition, it is the mainstream media for a long time in the local.
Kids' rooms should be organized to create free space which would provide them with the play area within their rooms while they are indoors.
In the drama aspect, he organized "the 20th century Big Stage" the magazine, advocated that the play improved.
Not infrequently, he organized us to perform role-play in class.
Not infrequently, he organized us to perform role-play in class.