Short-term capital5 refers to the net change in the country's international financial assets and liabilities with an original maturity of one year or less.
“This creates a source of instability: the classic ‘original sin’ of currency and maturity mismatch, ” says Ms Park. “It will help us release tension if we fund from our own sources.
"This creates a source of instability: the classic 'original sin' of currency and maturity mismatch," says Ms Park. "it will help us release tension if we fund from our own sources."
Nevertheless the republic's original money system lasted "for nearly two centuries, during which all that was admirable of Roman civilization saw its origin, its growth and its maturity."
The maximum total subscription amount for the New Fund shall not exceed the estimated maturity proceeds of the Original Fund.
Some people say the world calls mature was in fact the secular ambiguity, to belong to their original Angle arris grinding into a round, real maturity is a kind of self characteristic and value.
The effects of original temperature, fruit size, maturity and melon to water volume ratio on pre-cooling efficiency of muskmelon in well water have been discussed.
The above No. 4 sum of money was original 3-month fixed deposit (RMB XXX) saved on July 23, 2009, and the money was part-added and re-deposited to the present 1-year fixed deposit upon maturity.
If you hold a bond to maturity, price fluctuations don't matter. You will get back the original face value of the bond, along with all the interest you expect.
The above No. 1 sum of money was original 1-year fixed deposit (RMB XXX) saved on May 5, 2008, and the money was part-added and re-deposited to the present deposit upon maturity.
The above No. 5 sum of money was original 1-year fixed deposit (RMB XXX) saved on March 4, 2009, and the money was re-deposited to the present deposit upon maturity.
The above No. 5 sum of money was original 1-year fixed deposit (RMB XXX) saved on March 4, 2009, and the money was re-deposited to the present deposit upon maturity.