On a glacier filled island with fjords and elephant seals, Russia has built Antarctica's first Orthodox church on a hill overlooking its research base.
On a glacier-filled island with fjords and elephant seals, Russia has built Antarctica's first Orthodox church on a hill overlooking its research base.
Karouzos's poetry shows a profound preoccupation with the Orthodox Church.
He quickly dresses in a black habit, the traditional garb of Orthodox monks, runs his fingers through his long gray beard, and hurries off to a church for morning prayers.
Macedonia's authorities protect the local Orthodox church from its Serbian neighbour, whose priests, seen by patriotic Macedonians as agents of Serbia, may not cross the border wearing clerical garb.
Fired up: With natural gas supplies from Russia cut off, an orthodox priest tended a wood stove before mass Thursday at a church near Sofia, Bulgaria.
Their church stands next to a Serbian Orthodox one (see right). The walls of their little church hall are decorated with pictures of generation upon generation of their local choir.
We get a good view of the capital's 13th-century city walls and turrets and the onion-shaped dome of the Alexander Nevsky Russian Orthodox church as we drive in along the coast road.
The Bulgarian Orthodox church, however, argues that “heavenly secrets should not be revealed by the means of man.”
Out of six choices, only one of them is considered orthodox by the later church.
The first public figure to address the Russian people was Kirill, the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, who is extremely active in all state matters.
Palestinian boys take part in a mass at the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem, a week ahead of the East orthodox Christmas.
On an glacier-filled island with fjords and elephant seals, Russia has built Antarctica's first Orthodox church on a hill overlooking its research base, transporting the logs all the way from Siberia.
In a local Orthodox church there is a Saturday service for the deaf facilitated by a sign language interpreter, after which the congregation have tea with the priest.
Kremlin artisans would sew the most valuable of these fabrics into ecclesiastical garments for leaders of the Russian Orthodox Church.
克里姆林宫的手艺人就用这些最昂贵的纺织品为俄罗斯正教会(the RussianOrthodox Church)首领缝制教会衣服。
Several ambassadors—powerful Greek merchants—brought gifts for the patriarch from Istanbul’s Greek Orthodox Church.
But there was a time when the Church was hostile to those who challenged orthodox teachings.
More than 500 children were baptized by the Georgian Orthodox church during the 15th mass baptism ceremony at the country's main Holy Trinity cathedral.
Franz walked to the park. At its far end, the golden cupolas of the Orthodox church rose up like two gilded cannonballs kept from imminent collapse and suspended in the air by some invisible Power.
It is affiliated with the Greek Catholic church, which is under the Pope's authority but uses Orthodox liturgy.
Carolingian Frankish kingdom of Charlemagne, the national power is very strong, orthodox Roman Empire itself, and with the support of the church.
Saint Basil was a leader of the early Greek Orthodox Church. Stories say he would come in the night and leave presents for children in their shoes.
As the Orthodox faith continues its journey away from the Roman Catholic church, the need to establish visual points of difference became apparent, and this leads to a call for more ikonic artists.
Russian Orthodox Church in my neighbourhood.
Russian Orthodox Church in my neighbourhood.