Apple thinks so, to judge from its new Mac OS X Lion operating system.
从最新发布的苹果MacOS Lion操作系统不难看出,苹果就是这么想的!
Apple will likely give details on the next-gen Mac operating system, OS X Lion, and the next version of its mobile OS, iOS 5.
苹果可能将会介绍下一代Mac操作系统,OS X Lion与下一代OS,iOS 5手机的详细信息。
Apple's new Lion version of OS X will link to iPhones and iPads through cloud-based services.
Lion - the eighth major version of OS X.
狮子(Lion)-OS X的第八个主要版本。
Lion -- you can also refer to it as OS X 10.7 -- is the first update to the Mac's core software developed by Apple since the iPhone and the iPad upended the mobile-gadget market.
Lion 代号OS X 10.7,是苹果自iPhone和iPad在移动设备领域独领风骚以来,首次对Mac操作系统进行的核心升级。
Lion -- you can also refer to it as OS X 10.7 -- is the first update to the Mac's core software developed by Apple since the iPhone and the iPad upended the mobile-gadget market.
Lion 代号OS X 10.7,是苹果自iPhone和iPad在移动设备领域独领风骚以来,首次对Mac操作系统进行的核心升级。