OBJECTIVE: To evaluate OTC drugs and instruct it's rational use.
目的:评价我国OT C药物和指导其合理应用。
OTC drugs have the advantage of curative effect, safety and convience.
OT C药品具有疗效确切,安全性好,使用方便等优点。
For OTC drugs, side effects are included in the "drug Facts" printed on the outer wrapper or container of the drug.
Under its OTC drug monograph system, the FDA allows some OTC drugs to be marketed without first obtaining agency approval.
OTC drugs can be picked off the shelf with no prescription; OTC derivatives are traded privately between two parties rather than on an exchange.
OT C药无需处方即可购买;otc衍生品交易不经交易所由交易双方私下进行。
Companies wishing to market OTC drugs that do not meet the monograph requirements can submit and receive approval of a new drug application.
如果制药公司希望标记OT C但没有达到专著要求的,均可以提交新药上市的申请和获得注册新药的许可。
CONCLUSION: to achieve the expectant efficacy, the application of OTC drugs for common cold should be based on patients 'specific clinical symptoms.
CONCLUSION: the sums of money for the prescription drugs and OTC drugs increased rapidly, but total sale of OTC drugs was very low compared with that of the prescription drugs.
Consumers spend billions of dollars each year on OTC cough and cold medications despite little evidence that these drugs provide significant relief.
Objective: To survey and objectively evaluate the present situation and trend of the usages of the prescription drugs and over the counter (OTC) drugs.
OTC drug market normally adopts every means of marketing, selling and universalizing the drugs directly to the consumers.
OT C药品市场多采用各种市场营销手段,直接面对消费者进行药品销售推广。
Conclusion: According to the safety, efficiency and compliance of the children using drugs, the OTC child cold medicines' components in Chengdu are reasonable.
Conclusion: According to the safety, efficiency and compliance of the children using drugs, the OTC child cold medicines' components in Chengdu are reasonable.