Free cash flow is net income plus depreciation and other cash charges, minus the capital expenditures necessary to maintain the business.
If you want and need to earn only a little money from a part-time or retirement business, the income equation will not factor as heavily as other issues.
So, unless you're in poverty, or your income goal is necessary in some other goal (like switching to a business full-time), most income goals are not instrumental.
Operating revenue: indicating sales revenue, service revenue, income from business activities, other operating revenue, etc.
You will have the most extraordinary energy to support you with any type of business endeavor that requires the aid of funds from a source other than your own income.
For the service income obtained by the Enterprises by providing the customers with transcription, training and so on, tax shall be levied by "other service trades" of the business tax.
For the service income obtained by the Enterprises by providing the customers with transcription, training and so on, tax shall be levied by "other service trades" of the business tax.