Click Next, Type a host name, IP or any other description you would like to appear in the Network Connections area.
Click Next and type a host name, IP or any other description you would like to appear in the Network Connections area.
PURE SAME: If a winning hand consists of pais of one Serial suit only, and regardless of any other description, it is called the Pure Same and awarded 6 fans.
Mixed Same: If a winning hand consists of the mix of one Serial suit and pais of the Honours only, and regardless of any other description, it is called the Mixed Same and awarded 3 fans.
After giving each other a description of their own friends, Lily put on Lucy's ballet dress while Lucy put Lily's brushes and paints into her bag.
Type a description for your application, and add an icon, logo, and other information.
On the next page, enter the feed title and description along with other properties, like public or private access, any search keyword tags, or cache times.
You can see the description of the delivery process and other detailed information about the process, such as the configurations to which it belongs.
To define the interaction, you use the description language (for example, for SOAP) or other means of describing the interaction (for example, REST).
Each term is defined with a description and other metadata and is positioned in a taxonomy.
This article completes the description of that modeling process with two other steps that help detail the functional and presentational aspects of the systems being built.
A topic can be augmented by a prolog, a short description, and other optional metadata.
Here's one more description for the list, as good as any other: Humans are the animals who wonder, intensely and endlessly, about their origin.
Service metadata comprises both machine readable metadata and other relevant information such as service description and SLAs.
This mechanism involves the direct retrieval of description documents, WSDL and other related files, from their source.
The shared-memory header contains a description of all other structures in Shared memory, including internal tables and the buffer pool.
Consult the DB2 UDB documentation for a description of the audit record layouts for the other event types.
关于对其他事件类型的审计记录的布局的描述,请参阅DB 2UD b文档。
For instance, I could create an FOAF description for several other people.
In addition, other information, such as room capacity or description, is also displayed (without you having to scroll the pane in the dialog) by simply moving your mouse over a room name.
A component implementation is generally described as the realization of an algorithm or other technical description of a function.
The General Details TAB shows some of the same information shown in Figure 14, in addition to a long description, version, modification history, and other data.
I leave a detailed description of MDSD to other authors (see Numbers 5, 15, 16, and 17 in my reference list), and the reader is encouraged to consult those and other works.
Is the description of the feature written so that it doesn't conflict with other items in the specification?
Using WSDL, developers can describe their Web services in abstract form, similar to existing Interface Description Languages (IDLs) used in other distributed computing frameworks such as CORBA.
使用WSDL,开发者可以以抽象的形式描述Web服务,与用在其它分布式计算框架(比如CORBA)的现有“接口描述语言”(Interface Description Language (idl))类似。
A Description, used by other modules and feeds.
Service-oriented applications include applications that MAY make use of Web service technologies such as SOAP but MAY NOT include a WSDL or other XML-based description.
面向服务的应用程序(Service - oriented application)包括可能利用Web服务技术(如SOAP)但可能不包括WSDL或其他基于XML的描述的应用程序。
Using this description document, the echo message Web service interoperates well with other Web service clients.
echo消息Web服务使用这个描述文档与其他 Web服务客户端很好地互操作。
The WS-Inspection specification does not stipulate any particular format for the service information; it relies upon other standards, including UDDI, to define the description formats.
WS-Inspection规范并没有给服务信息规定任何特定格式;它依赖包括UDDI 在内的其它标准来定义描述格式。
To create these clusters of related images, Google analyzes the characteristics of the images themselves, but the algorithm also looks at meta tags and other clues in the description of these images.
Also the lab studied geographical coordinates, date and time, and other data Flickr revealed - e.g. description of the photo provided by the photographer.