They wouldn't worry too much about building a big base of depositors; in the financial markets it was easy to raise all the money a bank needed to finance its lending and other activities.
A new supervisory approach, he says, would have to encompass all financial firms, given that risky activities "have a way of migrating to other financial firms or markets."
Conducting any other activities that may upset or cause bodily injury or financial loss to other visitors, or disturb the public order and security within the Expo Site.
Illicit activities, such as money laundering, fraud, and other transactions designed to assist criminals in their illegal ventures, pose a serious threat to the integrity of financial institutions.
In addition, it will also function as a base for exhibitions, fairs, cultural and sports activities, financial, insurance and other services, and research and development.
The principal activities and other particulars of the subsidiaries are set out in note 17 of the consolidated financial statements.
附属公司的主要业务及其他资料载于综合财务报表附注17 。
On the other hand, it is used to evaluate the financial activities, see whether it is reasonable, and determine the final policy of financial management.
所以 ,必须充分研究财务活动的财务目标 ,是财务管理主体首先解决的问题。
With the rapid development of economic globalization integration, financial activities infiltrate and affect each other between countries. Theses activities have been a linkage integer.
With the rapid development of economic globalization integration, financial activities infiltrate and affect each other between countries. Theses activities have been a linkage integer.