Combine a loan from your friends with other funding sources to create a dynamic portfolio. You should not draw too heavily on one source to avoid excessive interest rates on high principal.
Increased funding is mainly from domestic sources in Brazil, China, the Russian Federation and South Africa and from Global fund grants in other countries.
This study considers the distribution and diversification of funding sources in general and in particular within the categories of public funding and of additional (other) funding sources.
Issuers might find that other sources of funding, such as advances from America's 12 Federal Home Loan Banks, are cheaper.
Fulda says Wikileaks may have other sources of funding - perhaps from private donors and other foundations - but he has no knowledge of them.
If your startup doesn't truly target a huge market with a strong and credible management team, you should consider other sources of funding.
And bank loans and deposits, advances and other sources of funding reduced.
And bank loans and deposits, advances and other sources of funding reduced.