Other interested parties can contact the WHF members in their countries.
This is a public W3C Working Draft for review by W3C Members and other interested parties.
How will information about the policy be communicated to stakeholders and other interested parties?
Finance is to support and supply financial information to all units, subsidiaries and other interested parties.
Gather, analyze and determine customer and other interested parties requirements, and other needs and expectations.
To respond effectively and efficiently to the needs and expectations of its customers and other interested parties.
Better still, from the perspective of other interested parties: Once Finkelstein retreats from the throne, King David returns to it.
As a result, they direct users to the achievement of business results, including the satisfaction of customers and other interested parties.
These processes should include identification ad review of relevant information and should actively involve customers and other interested parties.
Communicate frequently with customers and other interested parties to ensure continual understanding of their requirements, needs and expectations.
In some cases the Executive may find it necessary to convene an informal meeting or hear the views of other interested parties before making a ruling.
Relevant input form the area to be audited, as well as from other interested parties, should be considered in the development of internal audit plans.
The focus of this International Standard is the achievement of ongoing improvement, measured through the satisfaction of customers and other interested parties.
You can send the details about a particular work item, a list of work items, or a work item query bye-mail to team members, clients, or other interested parties.
The final call to reconcile tells the JDT to notify other interested parties like the Package Explorer view that your model updates are ready for public consumption.
对 reconcile 的最终调用告知JDT去通知其它相关各方(象PackageExplorer 视图):您的模型更新已准备好作为公共消费品。
FDA posts press releases and other notices of recalls and market withdrawals from the firms involved as a service to consumers, the media, and other interested parties.
Medical specialty societies, individual physicians, hospitals, third-party payers and other interested parties may submit materials for consideration by the Editorial Panel.
The organization should identify its customers and other interested parties as well as their requirements, needs and expectations to define the organization's intended outputs.
In order to provide documentation to satisfy the needs and expectations of interested parties management should consider contractual requirements from the customer and other interested parties.
WORLD leaders, climate scientists, pressure groups, protesters and a host of other interested parties converge on Copenhagen for a long-awaited climate summit that begins on Monday December 7th.
However, there are a number of other interested parties that can gain benefit indirectly from the exposure of services, and for this, they need visibility of the activity happening in the gateway.
The end result is increased suspicions among both parties that the other side is not genuinely interested in a cooperative approach to the security problems that divide them.
A promotion agent is currently in China and will be available to meet with interested parties to answer queries and facilitate other related matters.
Interested parties shall also have the right, on justification, to present other information orally.
It will be used as an exhibition space for organizations and interested artists, designers and other parties planning to stage independent events.
It will be used as an exhibition space for organizations and interested artists, designers and other parties planning to stage independent events.