Other variants are technically incorrect but are "forgiven" by the compiler.
And several other variants of the two people working together, trying to prevent "end" to come.
There are a couple of other variants of these approaches that Benjamin presents, but as he concludes.
It defines what is needed to be tweaked (variability) to create other variants of the bike in your new product line.
Researchers also measured other variants such as confidence, distance and the perception of risk as it relates to infidelity.
People also appear to catch the disease from birds more easily than other variants of bird flu, according to the organisation.
Overly literal search engines reduce usability in that they're unable to handle typos, plurals, hyphens, and other variants of the query terms.
Overly literal search engines reduce usability in that they 're unable to handle typos, plurals, hyphens, and other variants of the query terms.
The first parameter image, just as with the other variants, is either a reference to an image object or a reference to a different canvas element.
A particular variant of the gene was associated with only about 3 percent of cases in a study, but researchers said other variants might be involved with more.
In recommending a future direction for research into the genetics of addiction, Li suggests focusing on CHRNA5, CHRNA3 and CHRNB4 clusters, among other variants.
From March to April of 1945, approximately 50 Panthers Ausf G (and other variants) mounted with FG 1250, saw combat service on the Eastern Front and Western Front.
Private web and other communications use variants of this approach; its strength can be ratcheted up, too.
Other special "smart editor" variants may include XSLT, DTD, and WSDL.
It is distributed under the GNU General Public License and runs on Linux as well as other UNIX variants.
The BSD license is a big factor in corporate decision making when an organization is choosing NetBSD (or other BSD variants) over Linux for commercial products.
当一个组织为其商业产品选择NetBSD(或其他的BSD变种)而不是Linux时,BS d许可是公司决策制定过程中的一个非常重要的因素。
Similar to the ClassificationTaxonomy type, the Node type can contain other language variants for the name and comment elements.
Some UNIX variants and the GNU cp tool support the -r option that correctly copies named pipes, links, and other files.
有些UNIX变种和GNUcp工具支持- r选项,使用该选项可以正确地复制命名管道、链接和其他的文件。
Like much of the other software discussed in this column, xinetd is open source and readily builds on UNIX and variants such as OpenBSD and Linux.
The look and feel of topas (see Figure 2) is quite similar to top and monitor (used in other UNIX variants).
It was impossible to continue work on the other two variants while this was being dealt with, he says.
As the OSLC-CM specification indicates, other formats can be requested, such as XML or JSON variants.
正如oslc - CM规范显示的那样,可以请求其他的格式,例如XML或者JSON变量。
Like other hotspots, including Sardinia and Iceland, Okinawa is a relatively isolated island community, which leads to higher levels of inbreeding and a clustering of genetic variants.
If other languages are to be supported, the corresponding language variants of the properties file must also be edited.
On the bright side, Mr Burbage says that applying a similar diet to the other two variants yielded better planes.
The following description summarizes the flows according to the XA specification; other protocols such as CICS or LU6.2 may use different terminology and variants on the flows.
Since then, researchers around the world have discovered 30 other genetic variants that are linked to the disorder and 10 other locations on chromosomes that appear to carry genes associated with it.
Since then, researchers around the world have discovered 30 other genetic variants that are linked to the disorder and 10 other locations on chromosomes that appear to carry genes associated with it.