The study was conducted at Otto Wagner Hospital and Lainz Hospital in Austria.
The building designed by Otto Wagner is considered one of the most important Art Nouveau churches in the world.
It aimed to discover what people had in common behind the facades of social convention, "to show modern man his true face", in the words of Otto Wagner, an architect.
In Barcelona, the likes of Antoni Gaudí or Domènech i Montaner were surely artists as well as builders, as were Otto Wagner in Vienna or Charles Rennie Mackintosh in Glasgow.
在巴塞罗那,诸如安东尼·高迪(Antoni Gaudí)或者多梅内克·蒙塔内尔(DomènechiMontaner),想必同时是艺术家和营造商,维也纳的奥脱·瓦格纳(Otto Wagner)或者格拉斯哥的查尔斯·雷尼·麦金托什(Charles Rennie Mackintosh)也是如此。
In Barcelona, the likes of Antoni Gaudí or Domènech i Montaner were surely artists as well as builders, as were Otto Wagner in Vienna or Charles Rennie Mackintosh in Glasgow.
在巴塞罗那,诸如安东尼·高迪(Antoni Gaudí)或者多梅内克·蒙塔内尔(DomènechiMontaner),想必同时是艺术家和营造商,维也纳的奥脱·瓦格纳(Otto Wagner)或者格拉斯哥的查尔斯·雷尼·麦金托什(Charles Rennie Mackintosh)也是如此。