Our data suggest that aerobic fitness is associated with longer telomeres.
Our data suggest that temporary ischemic changes in the nerve root cause transient conduction disturbances.
Our data suggest that the use of GTE is a viable alternative to pharmaceutical inhibitors of glucoside hydrolase enzymes.
Our data suggest that whereas Westerners use the whole face to convey emotion, Easterners use the eyes more and mouth less.
Our data suggest that subglottic wound healing is significantly affected by pepsin and bile acid only under acidic conditions.
But our data suggest that the location of the body is much less important than the location of the mind, and that the former has surprisingly little influence on the latter.
Laureys said that patients' requests for euthanasia "should be received with sympathy, but our data suggest that a moratorium should be proposed" until the patients' condition has stabilized.
Our data suggest that several patient characteristics are associated with an increased risk of a urinary complication. The U-stitch technique should not be used for the ureteral anastomosis.
我们的资料说明患者的某些特征与泌尿系并发症的高风险有关。U -针技术不适合用于输尿管吻合术。
Our data also suggest that recreating mediolateral stability of posterior cruciate ligament-deficient knees might be of importance in addition to surgically improving anteroposterior translation.
Our data also suggest that recreating mediolateral stability of posterior cruciate ligament-deficient knees might be of importance in addition to surgically improving anteroposterior translation.