Another Tory MEP, Said Kamal, told the Guardian that he had left the Taj hotel earlier to go out for dinner and had received a call from a colleague warning him not to return.
另一名保守党欧洲议会议员Said Kamal告诉《卫报》,他早些时候已经离开了泰姬陵酒店上外面吃饭,并接到一名同事的电话警告他不要回去。
Another Tory MEP, Said Kamal, told the Guardian that he had left the Taj hotel earlier to go out for dinner and had received a call from a colleague warning him not to return.
另一名保守党欧洲议会议员Said Kamal告诉《卫报》,他早些时候已经离开了泰姬陵酒店上外面吃饭,并接到一名同事的电话警告他不要回去。