A devoted audiophile might quibble with the nano's audio output compared to a higher-end component, but most iPod nano owners will be using the device on the go, and in that context, it sounds great.
一个音频发烧友也许会拿nano的音频输出和高端的配件相比来挑刺,不过大多数iPod nano的所有者都只是在路上用它听听音乐而已,在这种情况下,它的音质很不错了。
To enable applications to place output in memory rather than sending it to an actual device, use a special device context for bitmap operations called a memory device context.
GDI output functions can be used with a memory device context only if a bitmap has been created and selected into that context.
GDI output functions can be used with a memory device context only if a bitmap has been created and selected into that context.