Under a physical concept of capital, such as operating capability, capital is regarded as the productive capacity of the entity based on, for example, units of output per day.
Production from the region, now 1.2m barrels per day, is expected to rise to 4m by 2020, putting Canada's output on a par with Iran's.
OPEC produces 40 percent of the world's oil. Its current output stands at about 32 million barrels per day.
Under the terms of the 20-year contract, BP and CNPC have six years to increase production at Rumaila to a minimum output target of 2.85m barrels per day.
On the oil and gas production side, global output of 2.74 million barrels per day (BPD) in the first two months of the quarter was weaker than the first quarter.
The research team modeled a facility capable of producing the hydrogen equivalent of 1 GW of continuous output, or 610 tons of hydrogen per day.
OPEC, which currently produces 27.2 million barrels per day (BPD), accounts for about 40 percent of world oil output, the rest coming from producers who are not part of the organisation.
OPEC, which currently produces 27.2 million barrels per day (BPD), accounts for about 40 percent of world oil output, the rest coming from producers who are not part of the organisation.