The team's products easily outsell those of other American baseball teams overseas.
We outsell them by two to one.
They outsell personal computers four to one.
Collectively, those phones now outsell the iPhone.
Japanese can outsell any competitor in the market.
The Japanese can outsell any competitor in the market.
A smiling salesman will far outsell a competitor who frowns.
Now fruit and vegetables outsell butter by a factor of 40 to one.
The team's products easily outsell those of other American baseball clubs overseas.
He told me two key things: "You'll never have the advertising power to outsell British Airways."
The price cut helped the PS3 outsell Nintendo's Wii console in the US for the first time last month.
上个月,降价措施帮助PS 3游戏机在美国的销量首次超过任天堂的Wii游戏机。
She has a unique way with a prom dress. She's also smart. She'll probably outsell Lacroix 100 to 1.
她能将舞会礼服穿出独特韵味,她也非常聪明,她的服装销售量可能是拉克鲁瓦服装销售量的100 倍。
She adds: "It's very rare for a hardback to outsell a future paperback, but this might be one of those exceptions."
Samsung executives are reportedly eager to outsell rival Nokia within three years, according to a Korea Times report.
Ken Doctor, a media analyst at Outsell, points out that American newspapers tend to sort their readers by address rather than by name.
Outsell的媒体分析师Ken Doctor指出,美国报纸通常按递送地址记录读者信息,而不是按订户姓名。
Ken Doctor of Outsell, a research firm, reckons that the Kindle appeals to baby-boomers who would otherwise read a paper magazine or newspaper.
Apple isn't even the biggest smartphone seller (RIM's Blackberries still outsell iPhones), but which company has more of an influence on the phone industry?
Given the popularity of Amazon's existing Kindle, analysts believe the new device will quickly outsell all other Android tablets on the market, including Samsung's Galaxy TAB.
考虑到亚马逊现有Kindle的普及,分析师相信新设备在市场上将迅速超越所有其他Android平板电脑的销售,包括三星的Galaxy Tab。
"We outsell them by two to one." he points out, legitimately, that many phones using Microsoft Mobile software have long had both GPS and 3g, and have always tied into corporate computer systems.
"We outsell them by two to one." he points out, legitimately, that many phones using Microsoft Mobile software have long had both GPS and 3g, and have always tied into corporate computer systems.