The Clarks' hypothesis, if correct, means tropical forests would shrink over time.
Correct your mistake the moment you realize it and don't try to gloss over your mistake.
We could reprint at a cost of X, or she had found a service that would affix stickers over the price to correct at a cost of X.
They have no control over these handling rules, but they are necessary for correct behavior.
But production management has gotten very good over the years. They carefully schedule work so that everything arrives at the right process at the correct time.
These subscriptions enable the initiation of communication to the correct access point over the correct medium, based on capabilities.
Over time, however, the fish started to chose the correct door more often than by chance alone.
An IBM client in the health care industry struggles with a problem that is common in many engagements: every meeting opens with a dispute over whose Numbers or reports are correct.
As Europe comes to terms with the immense crisis over Greece's finances, many in Britain will judge that decision to have been correct.
The reports authors' reference other studies suggesting that, over time, bombarding people with a "sufficient" amount of clear, correct information can work.
We can debate endlessly over what went wrong; there is probably no one correct answer.
You can find and correct defects over several iterations.
As time passes you seldom get the chance to correct it and the same thing passes over and over.
So if you're not in this 77%, let's quickly go over why, in fact, this is the correct answer,. 9 times 10 to the negative 18 joules.
To correct this, we'll shift them slightly to the left, to make them appear more centered over the mark.
That is correct; our current offering is a great foundation on top of which we will start offering new services over time.
Or how about this from North Carolina State University: a computer that detect whether or not your car is drifting out of its lane and then takes over to correct it by keeping it on the road.
Mr Schultz has had to accelerate the store-closure programme that he had started in order to correct the over-expansion which prompted his return to the helm.
You also learned how, with the correct configuration, you can examine the CBE messages which have been distributed over CEI.
Wright also designed the original furniture for the building. Some chairs had only three legs, and would tip over if a forgetful secretary did not sit with correct posture.
Check over the error message to make sure the connections are correct.
If you over-pronate or supinate more than a pair of shoes are designed to correct, there is a good chance you will be recommended to buy insoles as well to further help with the problem.
If the user gives the correct password, the command is executed, the ticket is then re-set, and the time clock starts all over again.
If you have the correct printer driver installed on your Windows client, you can proceed to install that printer and use it over the network.
Most of the file is already correct, but you need to add the Internet permission so the application can make requests over the Internet.
Linux distributions, such as SUSE and Red Hat, allow fully automated installation over the network as long as you pass the correct information to the installation program to kick off the install.
Figure 6 shows a while loop (manufacturing loop) that iterates over each order, selecting the correct manufacturing plant and submitting each order to the selected manufacturing plant.
Figure 6 shows a while loop (manufacturing loop) that iterates over each order, selecting the correct manufacturing plant and submitting each order to the selected manufacturing plant.