They come from a quality over quantity culture, and want to do their best, but not at the expense of everything else in their lives.
Over the years voters have become less inclined to believe that the rich live under different laws, or to imagine that big business benefits its owners at the expense of the workers.
There is a legitimate debate over how deeply the U.S. military should invest in counterinsurgency capability at the expense of conventional capacity.
There is a legitimate debate over how deeply the U. S. military should invest in counterinsurgency capability at the expense of conventional capacity.
It is hard to claim that pyramid-shaped tea-bags (developed at great expense over four years) have added much to the sum of human happiness.
Due to fierce competition for jobs, the class of 2011 May have over-prioritized extracurricular activities such as internships at the expense of their studies.
Substance must always take precedence over style, but poorly presented content runs the risk of confusing the users it was meant (often at great expense) to serve.
Like Guido van Rossum, I value the ability to read and understand code over trying to get the last little bit of performance out of my programs at the expense of clarity.
像Guidovan Rossum一样,我在试图以清晰度为代价从我的程序中得到最后一点性能之上,重视读和理解代码的能力。
This results in a smaller page being sent over the Internet at the expense of CPU cycles on the Web server.
这将使通过Internet 发送的页面更小,代价是 Web 服务器上的CPU周期。
Bloom and Lens Flares is actually an enhanced version of the Glow image effect which offers greater control over the bloom at the expense of rendering performance.
If there is a debit balance in the cash over and short account at the end of the fiscal period it is an expense and may be included in "miscellaneous expense" on the income statement.
A criticism often directed towards this form of evaluation is that it promotes style over substance, rewarding entertaining speakers or lenient graders at the expense of scholarship.
On the other hand, however, there is an over-emphasis on environmental rights in the general sense at the expense of group-differentiation of environmental rights.
And by all means, put thought into the layout of your text and images. But don't obsess over the technology at the expense of your story.
Due to fierce petition for jobs, the class of 2011 May have over-prioritized extracurricular activities such as internships at the expense of their studies.
Due to fierce petition for jobs, the class of 2011 May have over-prioritized extracurricular activities such as internships at the expense of their studies.