He could follow a cold trail over hard ground and even over stones.
She pressed her hands against the shirt, smoothing them over hard, warm muscle through the fabric.
A thousand times a day rough voices blessed heR, and smiles of unwonted softness stole over hard faces, as she passed.
Because the production craft of our company stability, style is novel, quantity over hard, the service is perfect to have won the favor of the large consumer.
Now, breaking ranks and naming names, he reveals a corporate news culture in which the closed-mindedness is breathtaking and in which entertainment wins over hard news every time.
As Oswald suggested, it is "hard to make society happier as they get richer and richer because human beings look constantly over their shoulders."
Our friendly hard-working staff have helped many students from all over the world achieve their dream of using English in their lives.
Over the past few months, it has been working hard, with the help of media consultants, to play down its cosy reputation in favour of something more academic and serious.
Over three weekends of hard work, Sally turned her design into a real, working go kart and painted it light blue.
In order to live up to their parents' expectations, most of the kids have to study hard even over vacations.
If you hit it really hard and a long way, it goes over the boundary.
It makes it hard to disengage and leads to a lot of bleed-over into the family routine.
It makes it hard to disengage, and leads to a lot of bleed-over into the family routine.
Messrs Raynor and Ahmed work hard to avoid these mistakes by studying large bodies of date over several decades.
Eggs can be prepared in a variety of ways: deviled eggs, over-easy, omelet style, scrambled, and hard-boiled.
Messrs Raynor and Ahmed work hard to avoid these mistakes by studying large bodies of date over several decades.
Schools see young people more than any other service, which gives them a unique ability to get to hard to reach children and young people and build meaningful relationships with them over time.
Junior high school days are over and it's hard to separate from our dear teachers and friends.
I hurried over to the window and pushed it really hard.
Building such a bridge over the bay was a hard nut to crack but the local government made it within two years.
Shaolin Kung-fu, for example, which has a history of over 1, 500 years, is a "hard" martial art.
They are made in 10 minutes, used in 20 minutes and normally remain on the earth for over 100 years since they are hard to be broken down.
These days you'd be hard pressed to find anyone in Australia over the age of 15 who doesn't own a mobile phone. In fact, plenty of younger kids have one in their pocket.
When you go through hard times, keep going and soon your storm will be over and the sun will shine upon your face again.
The hard-sell approach involves the use of direct, forceful claims regarding the benefits of the advertised brand over competitors' offerings.
Perhaps the most important thing I've learned about parenting my perfectionist is to gush over her hard work and efforts, rather than to focus my praise on outcomes and results.
But, he warns, the hard times are not over yet.
We've worked so hard over the years.
We've worked so hard over the years.