The girl was about 8, and when I plotted her growth chart, it was clear some balance had shifted over the past year, and her weight was increasing much too fast relative to her height.
It has shown over the past year that it is too widely supported to be browbeaten into concessions either by sanctions or by pressure from Fatah.
Over the past year, ESPN has beefed up its fantasy sports league offerings and high school football coverage, and it's now pulling in news from college fan sites too.
Over the past year, though, tablets and smartphones have continued to surge. These devices deliver the same basic experience as the Chromebooks since they too tend to revolve around the Web.
The group appeared too sprawling and unfocused even before the dizzying pace of deals over the past year.
Over the past year, there are too many people will die Sunco privately said that it is difficult to see.
Over the past year Hays too has begun exploring advanced machine learning to manage its data.
We have seen so many me-too products over the past year, and it's good that Swatch is putting a very strong focus on battery power rather than smart watch.
We have seen so many me-too products over the past year, and it's good that Swatch is putting a very strong focus on battery power rather than smart watch.