This studio located at the intersection of North Suzhou Road and Gansu Road and it falls under the ownership of Overseas Chinese Town.
Groups of famous people and highly intellectual people live here. At present, the permanent population of the Overseas Chinese Town reaches 600,000.
Hosted by E6 art space and curated by Fei Teng, the solo exhibit Shen Piji is here will open at E6 art space located in Shenzhen's Overseas Chinese Town.
He Xiangning Art museum, founded in 1997 and located in Overseas Chinese Town (OCT) of Shenzhen City, is the first national museum that is named after an individual.
This promoted the connection between the migrants and the home town of overseas Chinese, which shows an advantage of the overseas Chinese resource day by day.
Xiayang Town of Yongding County in Fujian Province is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese in Hakka's area.
Xiayang Town of Yongding County in Fujian Province is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese in Hakka's area.