It will insist on meeting each new borrower personally before offering them a loan, and will fund loans from its own capital reserves.
Elizabeth was surprised, however, that Wickham should consent to such a scheme; and, had she consulted only her own inclination, any meeting with him would have been the last object of her wishes.
Pubs and clubs can be a good meeting place but can be a bit hard if you are on your own.
So, on his own initiative, he began meeting with his coach, Nancy Mercurio, about once a month.
The ESA is in the process of designing its own space surveillance sensors, with a procurement phase expected after the next ESA Ministerial Council meeting scheduled in 2012.
The need to constantly badger your kids about things, or control your co-workers, or meet with everyone who wants a meeting, or be wealthier and wealthier, or own a nice car.
Edmond welcomed the meeting with this fellow — who had been one of his own sailors — as a sure means of testing the extent of the change which time had worked in his own appearance.
A graduate from the prestigious Tsinghua University in Beijing who dabbles in golf, enjoys movies, and speaks fluent English, he appeared perfectly capable of meeting women on his own.
Katy had the talent but not the skills to make her own business. With a little help from the right people, Katy has been successful in meeting her goal.
Meeting new people is really a challenge, or at least it takes something out of me and I have to recover in my own way.
Hospitals and healthcare facilities around the world are invited to locally develop their own activities, some of which will be presented at a 2-day technical meeting in Geneva via video links.
For my own sake, I've told a plausible lie at the club meeting, but te members did not believe me at all.
It had been scheduled to release details of its own QE at a regular policy meeting in mid-November but moved the date forward to this week.
For joining them, I'd like to contribute my own might-be-mistake for your criticism, which is just the purpose for such a meeting.
The panel added, "Being a global city and a meeting point in Asia for enterprise, talent, cultures and ideas will be a source of competitiveness and growth in its own right."
Also, Miami won the first meeting between the teams and would own the tiebreaker with a victory in the rematch on March 10.
Did you ask him to organize a meeting, or was it on his own initiative?
I do have my own individuality, yet this in no way means that there is not a meeting ground between what I am and what you are... :.
One of nine of the highest-paid executives in Silicon Valley last year lacked the one thing typically needed to attend their own company's annual shareholders meeting: a single share of company stock.
If a small team leader, there are 5 people under his own, he wanted to grab the moon cake, but need a meeting, can not grab, then told his men, when you grab the time to help me grab the 5.
He has a novel proposal of his own for meeting unemployment.
And if you find a need that no one else is meeting, you might want to start a group of your own.
For my own sake, I've told a plausible lie at the club meeting, but the members did not believe me at all.
And that's changed, which means there's a market; people are beginning to express their own individual desires and somebody is meeting those desires with a product.
As well as meeting the wood needs of its own people, Ghana has a surplus to sell for export.
As for comments made by Massimo Moratti, Galliani told journalists on leaving a Football League meeting: 'I have nothing to say. You can work it all out with your own heads.
As it turned out, Celia's meeting with Sam Hawthorne was delayed by a day because of Sam's own heavy schedule of appointments.
As it turned out, Celia's meeting with Sam Hawthorne was delayed by a day because of Sam's own heavy schedule of appointments.