The amounts of oxygen and sulfur in liquid steel could be reduced by synthetic slag treatment during ld converter tapping, therefore, the quality of liquid steel was improved.
The oxygen activity of converter molten steel directly influences the yield of alloy and quality of steel.
The automatic pressure control of oxygen is an ideal strategy for steel making to ensure the quality. The author designed a pressure limited and interlock controller for oxygen blowing of converter.
The automatic control system of oxygen converter in engineering of Martin furnace replaced by oxygen converter in Anshan Iron and Steel (Group) co is presented.
The large heat loading in converter leads to the easily distortion of oxygen hole in lance tip, which has influence on the efficiency of steel-making and the life-span of oxygen lance tip.
The vibration of converter is studied which is caused by the movement of liquid steel when oxygen blown.
The vibration of converter is studied which is caused by the movement of liquid steel when oxygen blown.