Does this impact on domestic car dealers and car makers that have been adding at a furious pace?
Actually the finger is your pace car.
It means never taking the car when you could walk; it means standing on short train and bus journeys, or walking at a pace where you feel you might break into a run if you were to go any faster.
The industry group, which has cut its forecast for nationwide car sales twice this year, expects annual sales to increase at the slowest pace in three years.
Q. What is the verdict on where the car performance is, because the pace in the Nurburgring seemed a bit up and down?
Listen to a commentary on a horse race or a car rally and you will find that the commentator can hardly keep up with himself as he tries to keep pace with the events he is witnessing.
Christmas bells will soon ring, the pace of the New Year will also be unannounced, Huxiang car to quality, affordable, gift, allowing you to serve multiple purposes!
A clash is emerging in many of China's cities between rapidly growing car ownership and the slower pace of infrastructure development.
Then we hit that bump in Monaco and crashed into another car. In Montreal we had a good race pace but had to retire after the collision in the pit exit.
While we were on the road, holiday bumper-to-bumper traffic slowed us down to a snail's pace and a car accident the previous day made the congestion worse.
Even so, they remain there or thereabouts, showing consistent pace over longer runs and with Massa's new team-mate Fernando Alonso declaring the new F10 to be the best car he has ever driven.
Despite the team's wobble, as it struggled to extract pace from the car in the face of Red Bull Racing's fightback, Barrichello began cutting away at the points advantage his team-mate had.
There's only one shortcoming of my super car—the pace is too slow.
He stepped confidently out into the road to hail the motor-car, which came along at an easy-pace, slowing down as it neared the lane.
He stepped confidently out into the road to hail the motor-car, which came along at an easy-pace, slowing down as it neared the lane.